Males engaged in various sexual acts.

Part of:
The James Gardiner Collection.
  • Pictures

About this work

Also known as

Previous title, replaced March 2024: Men engaged in various sexual acts. Photograph, ca. 1880. UkLW


Eight carte de visite photographs (ca. 8.7 x 6 cm.) on a single sheet. Carte de visite photographs are usually cut up and pasted individually on a photographer's mount: this is an uncut sheet. The scene in all of them is a photographer's studio with a painted backdrop and an ornate carpet. In some of the photographs the participants use a couch with a striped blanket, and in others a chair. One pair of males are shown in the first three photographs in the top row (left to right). A second pair of males are shown in the other five photographs. The second pair are also shown in an accompanying set of cabinet photographs by the same photographer (Wellcome Collection 2046206i).


[North Africa?] : [publisher not identified], [1880?]

Physical description

8 photographs on 1 sheet : albumen prints ; sheet 21.8 x 28.1 cm

Terms of use

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Wellcome Collection 2046207i

Where to find it

  • Undivided sheet of carte de visite photographs

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