Human head sculpted in clay, major facial muscles

  • Heather Spears, photography ICandy
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Photograph showing sculptor's finger working the clay to finish the teeth of a human skull. At this stage of anatomically modelling a human head, the skull has been completed and the major facial muscles (formed with clay mixed with red oxide for contrast), excluding the orbiculars which surround the eyes, have been added. By carefully pressing muscles against the bone, they take on their anatomical shape without further modelling required. The skull is viewed from the front (anterior view) but was originally created by the sculptor working from behind (posterior view) primarily by touch. With the cranium completed, the sculptor now continues to work from the front. This image forms part of a series of work titled "Stranger than a Wolf" showing the gradual anatomical creation of a human head in clay. For the entire process (forming the cranial bone structure and placing the facial muscles, features and skin) see related images. As a reference, a male human skull was chosen from the Panum Collection, Copenhagen. Sculptor Ellie Scheepens was asked to reproduce it with attention to comparison and touch, and without viewing the front of the head and face (anterior view) at all. This unique method of forensic modelling was directed throughout the process by artist Heather Spears. Concept: artist, writer and educator Heather Spears. Sculpture: Ellie Scheepens. Photography: Orsolya Benkóczi and Isaac Carter.

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