Coelum reseratum chymicum. Geheimer Schlüssel über des Tholdii Coelum reseratum. De Magia divina oder Caballistischer Geheimnisse. Illustrated with water-colour drawings of symbolic alchemical figures, alchemical apparatus, furnaces, etc., also of sigils, etc. Calligraphic titles in coloured inks, with symbolic devices: headings underlined in red and green. The general title of the MS. is 'Schrifftliche Unterrichtung der wahren Weissheit von der F[raternitatis] R[oseae] C[rucis], Nach dem rechten Original'. The 'Coelum reseratum' begins on the second leaf, and ends at p. 200. It is followed by 'Geheimer Schlüssel' (pp. 201-221), and 'De magia divina' (pp. 223-263), and 8 ll. of 'Register'. On the verso of the last leaf of the MS. is an Attestation in German, dated 10 March, 1737, by Johann David Froberg, Imperial Notary Public, that the MS. has been translated from the French original in his own possession, and that the figures and sigils have been accurately copied. A former owner has written in very faint pencil, an English summary of this Attestation.