Moxibustion chart: the zhoujian points, ink drawing, Chinese

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Ink and brush illustration from a Chinese medical manuscript of 1914. Zhoujian (Elbow Tip) is one of the 'Extraordinary points not situated on any of the channels' (jingwai qixue). Moxibustion is performed on this point to treat scrofula (luoli). If the scrofula affects the left side of the body, moxibustion should be carried out on the right Elbow Tip point; if it affects the right side, moxibustion should be carried out on the left Elbow Tip point. In male patients, the moxibustion should proceed from left to right; in female patients from right to left. The effect is enhanced by concurrent moxibustion of the fengchi (Wind Pool) point.


Picture title: Zhoujian (Elbow Tip). Caption on back of figure: Zhoujian (Elbow Tip)



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