Collection of short theological tracts, sermons, lives of Saints, exempla and copies of legal ecclesiastical documents and letters, etc.: with five short medical works, and notes on the Calendar, etc., in Latin. (Miscellanea VII)

Late 14th Century
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view Collection of short theological tracts, sermons, lives of Saints, exempla and copies of legal ecclesiastical documents and letters, etc.: with five short medical works, and notes on the Calendar, etc., in Latin. (Miscellanea VII)

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Collection of short theological tracts, sermons, lives of Saints, exempla and copies of legal ecclesiastical documents and letters, etc.: with five short medical works, and notes on the Calendar, etc., in Latin. (Miscellanea VII). Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


Collection of short theological tracts, sermons, lives of Saints, exempla and copies of legal ecclesiastical documents and letters, etc.: with five short medical works, and notes on the Calendar, etc.: in Latin.

1. ff. 1r-7r John of Seville, Dietarum

f. 1r Incipit liber de regimine sanitatis scribitur ab ysaac in libro viatici ... f. 7r Ex hiis fit torta que fluxum sanguinis aufert.

2. ff. 7v-15v Short sermons, etc.

f. 7v Homo cum in honore ... f. 15v ... sed non reddet rationem.

f . 15v Three medical receipts in German by an early 15th century hand

3. ff. 16r-17r Anonymous, De absolutione.

4. f. 17v Pseudo-Hippocrates, Capsula eburnea

f. 17v Quum in medio digito manus sinistre fiunt pustula ... et signum est quod accidit in principio desiderium dulcium desiderio vehementi.

5. ff. 18r-v Anonymous, Calendarium sanitatis

f. 18r Januarius. In Jano Claris calidisque cibis ... f. 18v ... cinamoma repontica potes.

6. f. 19r-v Anonymous, De X preceptis et de plagis X preceptorum

7. ff. 20r-23v Pseudo-Aristotle, Secreta secretorum, medical section

f. 20r Incipit prologus Allexandri. [Added]: 'er est optimum regimen corporis']. Incipit prologus de consideratione diete quam aristoteles allexandro edidit que appellatur in arabico turotesa quod est latine secretum secretorum. Epistola aristotelis regi allexandro de consideratione humani corporis quam Iohannes hyspanus inuentam misit T[arasie] regine hyspanie ... f. 23v ... et signum est quod in principio egritudinis assellabit multis assellationibus.

8. ff. 24r-97r Anonymous, Sermones de tempore et de sanctis

f. 97v blank

9. ff. 98r-102r Anonymous, Church Calendars 1361-1413

10. ff. 102v-103v Anonymous, On the Months: with a Table of Dominical Letters

f. 104r Notes

11. ff. 104v-105v Anonymous, Sermones de tempore et de sanctis

12. ff. 106r-123v Henry of Hesse, Speculum animae, abridged

13. ff. 124r-156v Copies and examples of ecclesiastical and legal documents: by several hands, dated 1354 to 1363. The last is in German. The first and last are incomplete. Interpolated on ff. 131v-133v are further Sermones de tempore et de sanctis

14. ff. 157r-159v Anonymous, Sermones de tempore et de sanctis

15. ff. 160r-168v John of Saxony, Almanach

f. 160r [C]um animadverterem quam plurimos magistros et scolares in studio parysiensi ... Ego Johannes de danico dictus de saxonia quoddam feci opus Almanach ... f. 168v ... addantur ad meridie iii dies estimati.

For John of Saxony and his Almanach see Lynn Thorndike, A History of Magic and Experimental Science, vol. III, ch. 17.

16. f. 168v Short notes on 'Caput draconis' and 'Motus lune'

17. ff. 169r-173r Anonymous, De effectibus et proprietatibus duodecim signorum

f. 169r [Q]ui cursum lune recte scire voluerit ... f. 173r ... nec luna exeunte in ariete non maleficit corpori etc.

18. ff. 173v-175r Anonymous, Sermo de Beata Maria Magdalena, etc.

19. ff. 175r-v Anonymous, text on the faithful departed

20. ff. 176r-180r John of Paris, De complexionibus

f. 176r Complexionum varietas sequitur varietatem suarum causarum ... f. 180r ... diligens inquisitor concipiat iudicando. Et sic est finis complexionum. deo favente.

20. ff. 180r-183r Pseudo-Aristotle, Secreta secretorum, excerpt from medical section

f. 180r allexander cum corpus sit corruptibile ... f. 183r ... usque ad mensem Martii Hyemps finiatur. Explicit liber de regimine principum. [Added by a later hand: 'ultimum explicitur. Explicit Liber de regimine'.]

21. ff. 183v-188r Short sermons, etc.

22. f. 188v Table of contents, incomplete


Late 14th Century

Physical description

1 volume 188 ff. 4to 20 1/2 x 15 cm. Original monastic binding in vellum over wooden boards: clasp wanting. Some margins frayed, text faded and rubbed on a few leaves. A foliation in pencil has been added, and leaves are probably wanting after ff. 17, 23, 149, 153, 188. According to the List of Contents on the verso of the last leaf, some tracts are missing from the beginning of the volume. Written by several hands at a German monastery. Written by a number of different semi-current contemporary hands: some capitals, headings and underlinings in red.

Acquisition note

Purchased 1910.

Ownership note

The manuscript at one time belonged to a Johannes Gera, who has written several inscription in different parts of the volume: f. 17r 'Istum librum habuit Johannes gera'. f. 104r 'Gera Johannes est probus homo ffidelis purdens et absque ulla iniquitate'. f. 137v 'Ego Johannes gera habui libellum istum perieunium Anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo XXXo. quinto scriptum inuentione sancte crucis. Amen. Tunc temporis sancti sub anno subscripto erant guuerre [sic] et liter ante hallis et magdenburgenses Et etiam in eodem tempore erant tempora valde cara et ita quod per totum mundum erat fames scriptum per me Iohannem Gera'. On the inside of the upper cover is a vellum fragment of monastic accounts dated 1342, in Latin. An incomplete table of contents in German, by an early 19th century hand is inserted.

Finding aids

Catalogue description modified in 2014. For original description, see S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).


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Accession number

  • 26076