A daughter of Niobe. Etching by F. Perrier, 1638.

  • Perrier, François, 1590?-1656?
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About this work


One of the sculptures in the Niobe group of fourteen sculptures found in 1583 buried in a vineyard near the Porta San Giovanni, Rome, belonging to the Tomassini family. The total of fourteen figures counts a sculpture of Niobe and her youngest daughter as two figures, and includes two torsos of fighting men found in the same place. The sculptures were acquired in 1584 by Cardinal Ferdinando de' Medici, were moved to Florence in 1770, and were installed in the Niobid Room in the Uffizi in 1794--Haskell & Penny and Nicolai, opp. cit.



Physical description

1 print : etching

References note

F. Haskell and N. Penny, Taste and the antique. The lure of classical sculpture 1500-1900, New Haven and London 1981, no. 66 pp. 274-279 (on the statues; this statue p. 276 right)
Fausto Nicolai, 'The 1584 purchase contract for the Medici group of Niobe sculptures', The Burlington magazine, 2020, 162: 26-31


Wellcome Collection 11440i


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