Gasparis Taliacotii ... De curtorum chirurgia per insitionem, libri duo. In quibus ea omnia, quae ad huius chirurgiae, narium scilicet, aurium, ac labiorum per insitionem restaurandorum cum theoricen, tum practicen pertinere videbantur, clarissima methodo cumulatissimè declarantur. Additis cutis traducis instrumentorum omnium, atque deligationum iconibus, & tabulis. Cum indice quadruplici expeditissimo, capitum singulorum, authorum, controversiarum, rerum denique & verborum memorabilium ... / [Gaspare Tagliacozzi].

  • Tagliacozzi, Gaspare, 1545-1599.
  • Books

Selected images from this work

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About this work


Venetiis : Apud Gasparem Bindonum juniorem, 1597.

Physical description

28 unnumbered pages, 94 pages, 2 unnumbered pages, 95 pages, 1 unnumbered page, 47 pages, 33 unnumbered pages : illustrations, add. engr. title page, title page in red & black, woodcuts ; (folio)

Related material

Select images of this work were taken by the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum: WT/D/1/20/1/89/41


State without license on verso of title-page
Woodcut XII not printed, nor is the text for woodcut XVI printed, though the leaves are present
Extra engr. title-page
Title-page in red & black, woodcut device.
Copy 2 Note: The library has one extra copy with no special features. The second copy with inserted plate described here and a fourth copy were both disposed of as duplicates ca. 1966 via Dr. Poynter. One to the Univ. of Brit. Columbia. The plate was removed and is now in the Dept. of Prints and Drawings.
Copy 3 Supplier/Donor: Med. Soc. Lond.

Exhibitions note

Exhibited in 'The Cult of Beauty' at Wellcome Collection, London, 26 October 2023 - 28 April 2024


Where to find it

  • Copy 1

    Closed stores
  • Copy 3

    Closed stores

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