Jean Jacques Joseph Leroy d'Etiolles. Photolithograph after Z. Belliard, 1837, after L. Viardot.

  • Viardot, Léon, 1805-1899.
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About this work


He holds a rolled-up text containing a treatise on lithotrity


(Paris : Lith. de Gregoire et Deneux)

Physical description

1 print

References note

Jean Laran, Inventaire du fonds français après 1800, Bibliothèque nationale, Département des estampes, tome deuxième, Paris 1937, pp. 139, Belliard no. 55 (the lithograph by Belliard, with different printer: "55. Leroy d'Etiolles (J. J.), gr. pl. impr. Lemercier, 1837, d'apr. Léon Viardot. Deux épr.")
R. Burgess, Portraits of doctors & scientists in the Wellcome Institute, London 1973, no. 1747.1


Wellcome Collection 5541i

Reproduction note

Reproduction of impression bearing the collection stamp of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Département des Estampes


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