Articella, incomplete

Mid 14th Century
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Articella, incomplete


1. ff. 1r-42v Hippocrates, Aphorisms, with commentary by Galen, preface and translation by Constantine the African

f. 1r Prefacio domini constantini affricani montis cassiensis monachi ad glauconem discipulum suum. Licet peticionibus tuis continuis ... (Text begins) Vita brevis ars vero longa ... (Commentary begins) Plurimi interpretes huius libri ... f. 42v (Text ends) ... quanto magis dabuntur tento plus peiorabuntur. (Commentary ends) ... non ypercritas [sic] confirmare poterit. Expliciunt Amphorismi ypocratis cum commento Galieni et utraque translacione.

2. ff. 43r-63v Hippocrates, Prognostics, end of Book I through much of Book III, with commentary by Galen

f. 43r (Commentary) Locus nec a quo incipiat generare carnem secundum fundamenta que ponuntur super terram ... (Text) Putredo autem laudate ea que alba est ... f. 63v (Text) Honestum quoque est illi ... cum hoc in vrinis et sputis faciendum est. (Commentary) ... quia sputur infirmus saniem cum ...

3. ff. 64r-77v Hippocrates, Regimen acutorum, with commentary by Galen, begins early in Book II

f. 64r (Commentary) ... non est facile sicud [sic] est facilitas eius in eoqui non habet febrem ... (Text) His itaque [factus] post solutionem de tpisana [sic for 'ptisana'] dandum est ... f. 77r (Text) ... que solo dietantur potu sed et illis aliquando conveniens est. f. 77v (Commentary) ... indiget ut eas omnis preter quod infirmus ei dicat. Explicit Liber Regiminis Acutorum cum commento G[alieni].

4. ff. 78r-97v Galen, Tegni, with commentary by Haly ibn Rodhan (ends two-thirds of the way into Book II)

f. 78r Intendimus edere sermonem exponentem illud quod clausum est ... (Text) Tres sunt omnes doctrine que ordine habentur ... (Commentary) In omnibus doctrinis que currunt secundum ordinem ... f. 97v (Text) Ex tumoribus quidem que preter naturam in flegmonibus et sclirosis et inflamationibus et [h]erisipilis inspeciendum [est]. (Commentary) ... non est nomen et secundum habent salsitudinem est ...

Related manuscripts

London, British Library, Harley MS. 5425


Mid 14th Century

Physical description

1 volume ff. iii + 97 + iv. 32 x 20 1/2 cm. On vellum: modern pigskin binding over wooden boards by 'Stoakley late Hawes'. Outer margins of ff. 7 and 8 damaged; margins slightly cropped in re-binding. A medieval flyleaf has been pasted to the inside back cover. 46 lines in double columns. Written in two hands, one for the text and another for the commentary. 2-3 line initials alternate red flourished with blue and blue with red. The glossing starts on f. 1r and the script is very small and faded. Some glosses throughout the manuscript have been rubbed and erased. Running page heads on verso in red and blue, versos show red or blue 'P' at top. Some capitals touched with yellow.

Acquisition note

Purchased 1911.

Ownership note

There are marginal notes by contemporary and 15th century owners, some cropped in rebinding. From the Payne Collection, with his ex-libris, and an inserted holograph note by him on the contents of this manuscript. In Sotheby's Catalogue of the Payne Library, No. 323.

Finding aids

Catalogue description modified in 2014 and 2016. For original description, see S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).


Where to find it

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    Closed stores

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Accession number

  • 44191