Sir Matthew Wood. Mezzotint by W. Dickinson, 1817, after Lady Bell.

  • Bell, Maria, 1755-1825.
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1 print

References note

John Chaloner Smith, British mezzotinto portraits, part 1, London 1878, pp. 201-202, no. 90 ("90. Matthew Wood. Lady Bell. T.Q.L., standing, directed towards left, facing and looking slightly to right, robes, collar, right hand on open book on table to left, on which are mace, and paper lettered, Ground plan for the new London prison for debtors, left hand on arm of chair. Under, Lady Bell pinxit. London Pub March 20 1817 by Messrs Boydells 90 Cheapside, Mr Wilkinson 125 Fenchurch Str.t & by Messrs Colnaghi & Co Cockspur St.t. W Dickinson sculpsit. The Rt Honble Matthew Wood twice Lord Mayor of London Elected the 29 of September 1815. Re-elected the 29 of September 1816. … Born at Tiverton, about 1770; settled as a druggist in London, and rose to be Lord Mayor, in 1817 and 18; M.P, for London; espoused the cause of Queen Caroline; and supported the London University.")
R. Burgess, Portraits of doctors & scientists in the Wellcome Institute, London 1973, no. 3228.1


Wellcome Collection 9771i


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