Copy 2

Orders, thought meete by Her Maiestie, and her priuie Councell, to be executed throughout the counties of this realme, in such townes, villages, and other places, as are, or may be hereafter infected with the plague, for the stay of further increase of the same. Also, an aduise set downe vpon Her Maiesties expresse commaundement, by the best learned in physicke within this realme, contayning sundry good rules and easie medicines. Without charge to the meaner sort of people, aswell for the preseruation of her good subiects from the plague before infection, as for the curing and ordring of them after they shalbe infected.

  • Great Britain. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I)
    np fuel) infection i&oi tbejufticesi nett abiopning fherunto, to aifemble once a toeefc,to tafce accompt of the execution of tbefaib ojbers:,anb as! tbep finbe anvlacb o j bifojber, either to refojme it tijemfeluesi, 0i to report tt at the generall aifemblte there, to be bp a moje common confent refojmeb. 12 item, foztijat the contagion of the plague « grobjefb anb tncreafetb no heap mo?e, then bp t be 1 bfe anb baubling offttcb clotbe^,bebbmg anb other (tuffeasbatb bene baojne anboccnppebbptbetm fecteb of this! bifeafe, burtng tbe time of tbett bifeafe: tbe fapbe 3!ufttces!lbaU in tbe places! in* fecteb tafee fucb ojber > that all tbe faibe clothes! anb other ftuffie 3 fo occnpieb bp tbe btfeafeb, fo (bone as! tbe parties! bifeafeb of tbeplagne are allot them either boell recouereb oj beab, be either burnt anb cleane confumcb boitb fire: ojels> apjeb tn fucb foit as! isi pieftrtbeb in an cfpeciall article contepneb tu tbemutfefct bomnebptbe#b?rwiatts!.f nbf# that perabuertture the lofle of fuel) apparell., bob¬ bing anb other tluffe to be burnt , map be greater Jnellbeare; if it bb mabe toitbin their Counties! fo? the reliefe of tbe fitmme ©liable, u on anp other oibersi «*\ * J $ ' *• i - UJii-ifi ft H & 35.H- ,ten bins
    Bins to tbe preferuatiott of Bet ^aiefties fubtectesf from tbe infection, anb to tbe eub tbete cate anb bt* Itgence may tbebettetappeare, they Iball cettifte in fto?itmg tbe faybe orbets netoly beuifeb, anb if any tbe orbets tjetetn fpectfieb, they ibal ettber prefently pumflje them by imprtfonment, or if tlje petfons ro contemning them, Iball be of fuel) countenance a# tbe Juftices (Ball tbtnfee meete to bane tbett faults! bnotoen to ber.Spateftie, otto tbe Councell, they lb all charge anb btnbe them to appeate before bs, $ tbe contempt bnely cettifieb, that tbete may bee a utore notorious Ibarpe epample mabe by punifb* i< l5 3?tem,iftberebelacfee of 3Juftices infomc pm*es of tbe Ante, o? tf they bahtcb ate SJuftices tbete Iball be for tbe tyme abfent, tn that cafe tbe -—-— - - • - nbitefbil tofupply 16 3?tem,iftbetebeany petfon Ccclefiatttcal o? u laye,tl)at Ojall bolbeanb publtffte any opinion# (as! tn forne places: report is mabe > that it is a bayne tbmgto forbeate to refort to tbe infccteb, or that it tS not cbaritable to forbtb tbe fame,pretenbthg that no petfon (ball bye but at tbeir tyme prefetch, fttcb petfons Ibalbe not onely teprebenbeb ,but by orbet M tbe ©ifl)Op,iftbeybe ecclefiarticall, Ibalbe forbtb* ben to preacbe,anb being laye, fbalbe alfo entoyneb to forbeate to bttet fucb bangerous opinions bpon Pwneof imprtfonment jtobteb fballbe erecuteb ,if Wt Iball pecreuetintbat error* ainb yet it (ball ap* m ‘ , peace
    pearemanifeftlp bp tljefe otDerg, tbataccotDtngto Cijjtftian cl)arttie,no perfons of tije meaneft Degree Oialbe left DJttDout fuccottr anD reltefe. 17 3itiD of tliefe tying# abotte menctoneD, tfje 17 3Jnftice# (l;all tafee great carets of a matter fpecu allpDitecteD 9 commanDeDbp Der£©atetlie bpoti tbe princely anDnaturall care fljeebaty concepucD toboatD# tfje prefer uattoit of bet fubiecte#, \»l)o bp berpDifoiDet, anD fojlacbe of Direction Do rnrnanp parted botlfitilp procure tyc increafe ofttjt^f general contagion.
    . ' v ' ' r , ■ *'l( ''■'{ ‘ /(' ■ -v '• . i f r * • '** : *•/ ** X A. X + w■ 5* f* .**/ . .. A‘-*' - '* j ... ,$ \ i, fcBk ’. >>■' •• r) V\•■ - - * •% #* T* C. • ■ • f»M* ; -. >. -~ , v.i * >* > < * t V \ *♦ •• ■ V'-f r ! « - '' ' -I V* J . > i f ■ f >J • I * - ♦ • ■ - * *'■ ' >' ■ • i -J • " J < .! , , v 5 •■*■■.* f *< . ^ lVJw4 'ii >« . V 4.- I : ij v'!. ?*» i ■ ■ ■: W5Jfc3^'«.vi:w;.;f v*-f .'■ ■ ** ~ vi i . ■*•>. »•:1 * *■* •’ • ■ •- T • %•'•. •' ;• y * ► «*» «% • -... • , > > * ’ • p ‘ / j .. . a. '• - >*/.' U I >> ♦ r '■ •> • t •; ■ v. _ 4 t • £}jt , . A. ^.... r ,.S w'A, A • fc.v ,A. ... , ■ :•>? •; ^ ■ r ; h n ■ l •■ t ;; Ci i • ^ i„ j ..•■: . j ■ ■ 3 f xol tin : i ■ : 11 ■ " : , ■ ■ ■ | «<.v . • •_.< ..j j ’ . *v* <n. ^ '*• -#v A. •% A , v ,, v>y>* • . ^/4 vV^f,r/,. ,*..-J ■ ! I . P V I A (id *
    An aduife fet dovvne vpon her zSMaiefties exprejfe comman- dement, by the belt learned in Phyficke within this Realme, conuyning fundry good rules and eafie medi¬ cines, without charge to the meaner fort of people, as well for the preferuation of her good Sub- ieftes from the plague before infeftion, as for the curing and ordring of them after they dial be infeded. Preferuatiue by corre&ing the aire in Houfes. Rofemaned£tcl), 0£ luni- Preferna- per,Bayleaues, 0$ Frankinccnfe, tiues, call ttye fame on a Chaftntrtlb, and rccciuc the furneo^ frnofce thcroft^ome aOuifeto tie ad= tiedLauender, Ot Sage. atlfo to made Sees rather it* fanned, toremouc about the Chamber, then in Chimneig, (ball better correct theatre of the Routed 'Caheattuantittco! vineger berp (Irons, and put to tt Come CmaU quantitie ox Rofewater,tetuie branched of Rofemarie, put them all into a bafett, then tafee fine oj fire Flintftoncs, heated in the fire till the? be burning botte, call them into the fame Vineger, pj fo let the fume# be tceeittcd from place to placed pout houfe.