37 results filtered with: Cerebellum
- Books
Functional interrelation of cerebral cortex with basal ganglia and cerebellum / by J.F. Fulton.
Fulton, John F. (John Farquhar), 1899-1960.Date: 1943- Books
The cerebellum : an investigation of recent advances; the proceedings of the Association, New York, December 28th and 29th, 1926; editorial board: Frederick Tilney, M. D., Thomas K. Davis, M. D., Henry Alsop, M. D.; with 220 illustrations and 24 tables.
Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease.Date: 1929- Books
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Sur les fonctions du cerveau et sur celles de chacune de ses parties.
Gall, F. J. (Franz Joseph), 1758-1828.Date: 1825- Pictures
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The human brain, divided according to Bernard Hollander's system of phrenology. Process print with pen and ink, c. 1902.
Date: [approximately 1902]Reference: 27959i- Books
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On the functions of the cerebellum / By Drs. Gall, Vimont, and Broussais. Translated from the French by George Combe: also answers to the objections urged against phrenology by Drs. Roget, Rudolphi, Prichard, and Tiedemann; by George Combe and Dr A. Combe.
Gall, F. J. (Franz Joseph), 1758-1828.Date: 1838- Pictures
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A male brain, sectioned vertically. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
Date: 1901Reference: 28021i- Books
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Le cervelet, étude anatomique, clinique et physiologique / par le dr. André Thomas.
Thomas, André, 1867-1963.Date: 1897- Pictures
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A female brain, sectioned vertically: side view. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
Date: 1901Reference: 28022i- Books
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Nouvelles recherches sur la physiologie et la pathologie du cervelet / par M. Leven.
Leven, Manuel.Date: 1865- Books
Le cervelet : étude anatomique, clinique et physiologique / par André Thomas.
Thomas, André, 1867-1963.Date: 1897- Books
The cerebellum in health and disease : Dallas Neurological Symposium sponsored by the Department of Neurology, the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas / compiled and edited by William S. Fields and William D. Willis, Jr.
Dallas Neurological Symposium (1969)Date: [1970]- Books
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Cerebellar abscess : its etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment : including anatomy and physiology of the cerebellum / by Isidore Friesner & Alfred Braun.
Friesner, Isidore.Date: 1916- Books
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Le cervelet et ses fonctions / par Frederic Courmont.
Date: 1891- Books
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Die cerebrale Sekundärfunction / von Otto Gross.
Gross, Otto, 1877-1920.Date: 1902- Books
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An experimental and pathological inquiry into the functions of the cerebellum / by Wm. H. Dickinson, M.D.
Dickinson, W. Howship (William Howship), 1832-1913.Date: 1865- Books
Neuroscience : a historical introduction / Mitchell Glickstein.
Glickstein, Mitchell.Date: [2014]- Books
The cerebellum : its relation to spatial orientation and to locomotion being the Boyle lecture for 1905 delivered before the Junior Scientific Society of the University of Oxford, Harold Savage, Esq., president, in the chair / by Victor Horsley.
Horsley, Victor, Sir, 1857-1916.Date: 1905- Pictures
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The bases of three skulls: a new born infant's, a misogynist's, and a man suffering from satyriasis. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
Date: 1901Reference: 28023i- Audio
A history of the brain. Part 2, The blood of the gladiators.
Date: 2011- Books
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Cerebellar functions / by André-Thomas, translated by W. Conyers Herring.
Thomas, André, 1867-1963.Date: 1912- Books
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Zur Anatomie und Physiologie des Kleinhirns / von Moriz Probst.
Probst, Moriz.Date: 1902- Pictures
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The brain, in right profile with the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves and, to the right, a view of the base of the brain. Photolithograph, 1940, after a woodcut, 1543.
Date: 1940Reference: 24491i- Books
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Cerebellar functions / Dr. Andre-Thomas.
Date: 1912- Books
The physiology and pathology of the cerebellum / by Robert Stone Dow and Giuseppe Moruzzi.
Dow, Robert Stone, 1908-Date: [1958]- Books
Zur Phylo- und Ontogenese des Kleinhirns nebst ein Versuch zu einheitlicher Erklärung der zerebellaren Funktion und Lokalisation / von Sven Ingvar.
Ingvar, Sven Ingvar, 1889-Date: 1918