222 results filtered with: Morris, William, 1834-1896
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An essay on combustion, with a view to a new art of dying and painting. Wherein the phlogistic and antiphlogistic hypotheses are proven erroneous / By Mrs. Fulhame.
Fulhame, Mrs. (Elizabeth), active 1780-1810.Date: 1794- Books
Druckschriften des XV bis XVIII Jahrhunderts in getreuen Nachbildungen / herausgegeben von der Direction der Reichsdruckerei.
Date: 1884-87- Books
Artes orandi, epistolandi, memorandi / [Jacobus Publicius].
Publicio, Giacomo, active 15th century.Date: 30 November 1482- Books
Historia Ioannis Magni Gothi Sedis apostolicae legati Svetiae et Gotiae primatis ac archiepiscopi vpsalensis, de omnibvs Gothorvm Sveonvmqve regibvs qvi vnquam ab initio nationis extitere, eorúmque memorabilibus bellis late varieqve per orbem gestis, opera Olai Magni Gothi fratris eiusdem autoris ac etiam archiepiscopi vpsalenlis in lucem edita / [Johannes].
Johannes, Magnus, Archbishop of Uppsala, 1488-1544.Date: 1554- Books
Die alten Weysen : apophtegmata sapientum. Der alten Weisen Exempel Sprüch mit vil wunder schönen Beyspilen und Figuren erleüchtet. Darinnen fast aller Menschen Wesen, Händel, Untreü, List, Geschwindigkeyt, Neyd und Hass figuriert und angetzeigt werden.
Date: 1539- Books
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Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris. Or, a garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed vp: with a kitchen garden of all manner of herbes, rootes & fruites, for meate or sause vsed with vs: and an orchard of all sorte of fruitbearing trees and shrubbes fit for our land together with the right orderinge, planting, and preseruing of them, and their vses and vertues / Collected by John Parkinson Apothecary of London 1629.
Parkinson, John, 1567-1650.Date: 1629- Books
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The description of Greece / by Pausanias. Translated from the Greek. With notes. In which much of the mythology of the Greeks is unfolded from a theory which has been for many ages unknown. And illustrated with maps and views elegantly engraved.
Pausanias, active approximately 150-175.Date: 1794- Books
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L'art de faire les Indiennes, et de composer les plus belles couleurs, bon teint à cet usage, etc / [Delormois].
Delormois, M., active 18th centuryDate: 1780]- Books
Monumenta Germaniae et Italiae typographica : Deutsche und italienische Inkunabeln in getreuen Nachbildungen / hrsg. von der Direction der Reichsdruckerei.
Date: 1892-1913- Books
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De mundi et spherae ac utriusque partium declaratione cum planetis et variis signis historiatis / [Hyginus].
Hyginus, C. JuliusDate: 1502- Books
Der Teutsch Belial / [Jacobus].
Jacobus, de Theramo.Date: 1487- Books
Vitae pontificum / [Platina].
Platina, 1421-1481.Date: 11 Aug. 1481- Books
Epistolae / [Jerome].
Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420.Date: 1497- Books
Statuts de l'Ordre du Saint-Esprit au droit désir : ou du noeud institué à Naples en 1352 par Louis d'Anjou ... roi de Jérusalem, de Naples et de Sicile. Manuscrit du XIVme siècle conservé au Louvre dans le Musée des souverains français avec une Notice sur la peinture des miniatures et la description du manuscrit par M. le comte Horace de Viel-Castel.
Ordre du Saint-Esprit au droit désir, founded 1352.Date: 1853- Books
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Ruralia commoda / [Petrus de Crescentiis].
Crescenzi, Pietro de', approximately 1233-approximately 1320.Date: [1486]- Books
Consolatorium timoratae conscientiae.
Nider, Johannes, approximately 1380-1438.Date: [1470]- Books
Tractatus super arboribus consanguinitatis / [Giovanni d'Andrea].
Giovanni d'Andrea, approximately 1270-1348.Date: [1472-1473]- Books
Lazari Bayfii Annotationes in Legem II de captiuis & postliminio reuersis, in quibus tractatur de re nauali, per autorem recognitae. Eivsdem annotationes in tractatum de auro et argento legato quibus vestimentorum, et vasculorum genera explicantur. Item Antonii Thylesii de coloribus libellus, a coloribus uestium non alienus / [Lazare de Baïf].
Baïf, Lazare de, 1496?-1547.Date: 1537- Books
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Some German woodcuts of the fifteenth century / [edited by Sir Sydney Carlyle Cockerell].
Date: [1897]- Books
The history of the kings of England and the modern history of William of Malmesbury / Translated from the Latin by the Rev. John Sharpe.
William, of Malmesbury, approximately 1090-1143.Date: 1815- Books
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Eclogae XXX / [Theocritus].
Theocritus.Date: 1495[96]- Books
Tabulae eclypsium Magistri Georgij Peurbachij. Tabula Primi mobilis Johannis de Monteregio. Indices praeterea monume[n]to[rum] ... / [Georg von Peurbach].
Peurbach, Georg von, 1423-1461.Date: [1514, Idib[us] [15] Aprilib[us]- Books
Über eine Sammlung alter italienischer Drucke der Erlanger Universitätsbibliothek : ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der italienischen Litteratur des vierzehnten und fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts / von Hermann Varnhagen.
Varnhagen, Hermann, 1850-1924.Date: 1892- Books
Monuments typographiques des Pays-Bas au quinzième siècle : collection de fac-simile d'apprès les originaux conservés à la Bibliothèque royale de La Haye et ailleurs, pub. avec. l'autorisation de son excellence le ministre de l'intérieur / par J.-W. Holtrop.
Holtrop, J. W. (Jan Willem), 1806-1870.Date: 1868- Books
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De arte et vero modo praedicandi / [Thomas].
Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274.Date: [1480?]