26 results filtered with: Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-
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The gardeners labyrinth : containing a discourse of the gardeners life, in the yearly trauels to be bestovved on his plot of earth, for the vse of a garden: with instructions for the choise of seedes, apte tunes for sowing, setting, planting, & watering, and the vessels and instruments seruing to that vse and purpose: wherein are set forth diuers herbers, knottes and mazes, cunningly handled for the beautifying of gardens. Also the physike benefit of eche herbe, plant, and floure, with the vertues of the distilled waters of euery of them, as by the sequele may further appeare. Gathered out of the best approued writers of gardening, husbandrie, and physicke: by Dydymus Mountaine.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: Anno. 1578- Books
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A new almanack for the yeare of our Lorde God, M.D.LXXII : Calculated for the meridian of Oxenforde. By Thomas Hyll.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: [1572]- Books
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An almanack published at large, in forme of a booke of memorie : necessary for all such, as haue occasion daylie to note sundry affayres, eyther for receytes, payments, or such lyke. Nevvly set forth, by T.H. Londoner.
T. H., LondonerDate: 1571- Books
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Legerdemain: or, natural and artificial conclusions and hocus-pocus improved / [Anon].
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: [1716?]- Books
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[A necessary almanack ... for 1560 ... seruing wel for these thre next yeares.].
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: [1560]- Books
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A briefe and pleasaunt treatise, intituled, Naturall and artificiall conclusions: written first by sundrie scholers of the Vniuersitie of Padua in Italie, at the instant request of one Barthelmewe a Tuscane: and now Englished by Thomas Hill Londoned [sic], as well for the commoditie of sundrie artificers, as for the matters of pleasure, to recreate wittes at vacant tymes.
Date: 1581- Books
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A pleasant history declaring the whole art of phisiognomy : orderly vttering all the speciall parts of man, from the head to the foot / written by Thomas Hill.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1613- Books
- Online
The gardeners labyrinth. Containing a discovrse of the gardeners life, in the yearly trauels to be bestowed on his plot of earth, for the vse of a garden: with instructions for the choice of seeds, apt times for sowing, setting, planting, and watering, and the vessels and instruments seruing to that vse and purpose: wherein are set forth diuers herbers, knots, and mazes cunningly handled for the beautifying of gardens. Also the physick benefit of each herb, plant, and flowre, with the vertues of the distilled waters of euery of them, as by the sequele may further appeare / Gathered out of the best approued writers of gardening, husbandrie, and physicke: by Dydimus Mountain [pseud].
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1608- Books
- Online
The gardeners labyrinth : containing a discourse of the gardeners life, in the yearly trauels to be bestowed on his plot of earth, for the vse of a garden: with instructions for the choise of seedes, apt times for sowing, setting, planting, and watering, and the vessels and instrumentes seruing to that vse and purpose: wherein are set forth diuers herbers, knots and mazes, cunningly handled for the beautifying of gardens. Also the phisicke benefite of eche herbe, plant, and floure, with the vertues of the distilled waters of euery of them, as by the sequele may further appeare. Gathered out of the best approued writers of gardening, husbandrie, and phisicke: by Dydymus Mountaine.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1586- Books
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A pleasant history: declaring the whole art of phisiognomy, orderly uttering all the speciall parts of man, from the head to the foot / [Thomas Hill].
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1613- Books
- Online
The gardeners labyrinth, or, a new art of gardening. Wherein is laid down new and rare inventions and secrets of gardening ... for sowing, planting ... Lastly, here is set down the physical benefit of each herbe, with the commodities of the waters distilled out of them / collected from the best approved authors ... by D[idymus] M[ountaine] [i.e. Thomas Hill]. And now newly corr. and inl.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1651-1652 [v. 1, 1652]- Books
- Online
The gardeners labyrinth : containing a discourse of the gardeners life, in the yearly trauels to be bestovved on his plot of earth, for the vse of a garden: with instructions for the choise of seedes, apte times for sowing, setting, planting, [and] watering, and the vessels and instruments seruing to that vse and purpose: wherein are set forth diuers herbers, knottes and mazes, cunningly handled for the beautifying of gardens. Also the physike benefit of eche herbe, plant, and floure, with the vertues of the distilled waters of euery of them, as by the sequele may further appeare. Gathered out of the best approued writers of gardening, husbandrie, and physicke: by Dydymus Mountaine.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: Anno. 1577- Books
- Online
The gardeners labyrinth, or, A new art of gardning : wherein is laid down new and rare inventions and secrets of gardning not heretofore known. For sowing, planting, and setting all manner of roots, herbs, and flowers, both for the use of the kitchin garden, and a garden of pleasure, with the right ordering of all delectable and rare flowers, and fine roots; as the like hath not been heretofore published by any. Likewise here is set forth divers knots for the beautifying of any garden for delight. Lastly, here is set down the physical benefit of each herbe, with the commodities of the waters distilled out of them, for the use and benefit of all. / Collected from the best approved authors, besides forty years experience in the art of gardning: by D.M.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1652 [i.e. 1651]- Books
- Online
The contemplation of mankinde : contayning a singuler discourse after the art of phisiognomie, on all the members and partes of man, as from the heade to the foote, in a more ample maner than hytherto hath beene published of any. In the place next after the chapter of the forehead, hath the phisiognomer added a proper treatise of the signification of sundrie lines seene in most mens foreheads: which in sundrie disputations with a skilfull Iew, he at the last obtayned. ... In the ende is a little treatise added of the signification of moles ... written by a worthie Grecian named Melampus. All which, englished by Thomas Hyll.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1571- Books
- Online
The arte of gardening, wherunto is added much necessarie matter, with a number of secrets: and the phisicke helps belonging to each hearb, which are easily prepared. Heer-vnto is annexed two proper treatises, the first intituled The meruailous gouerment, propertie, and benefite of bees, with the rare secrets of the honie and waxe: the other, The yearly coniectures, verie necessary for husband men. To these is likewise joyned a treatise of the arte of graffing and planting of trees / Gathered by Thomas Hill, Citizen of London.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1608- Books
- Online
The gardeners labyrinth; or, A new art of gardning : wherein is laid down new and rare inventions and secrets of gardning not heretofore known. For sowing, planting, and setting all manner of roots, herbs, and flowers ... Likewise here is set forth divers knots for the beautifying of any garden for delight. Lastly, here is set down the physical benefit of each herbe, with the commodities of the waters distilled out of them, for the use and benefit of all. Collected from the best approved authors, besides forty years experience in the art of gardning / by D.M. [pseud.] And now newly corrected and inlarged.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1652- Books
- Online
The newe iewell of health : wherein is contayned the most excellent secretes of phisicke and philosophie, deuided into fower bookes. In the which are the best approued remedies for the diseases as well inwarde as outwarde, of all the partes of mans bodie: treating very amplye of all dystillations of waters, of oyles, balmes, quintessences, with the extraction of artificiall saltes, the vse and preparation of antimonie, and potable gold. Gathered out of the best and most approued authors, by that excellent doctor Gesnerus. Also the pictures, and maner to make the vessels, furnaces, and other instrumentes therevnto belonging. Faithfully corrected and published in Englishe, by George Baker, chirurgian.
Gessner, Conrad, 1516-1565Date: 1576- Books
The gardener's labyrinth / Thomas Hill ; edited with an introduction by Richard Mabey.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1987- Books
- Online
A brief and most pleasau[n]t epitomye of the whole art of phisiognomie, gathered out of Aristotle, Rasis, Formica, Loxius, Phylemo[n], Palemo[n], Consiliator, Morbeth the Cardinal and others many moe, by that learned chyrurgian Cocles: and englished by Thomas Hyll Londoner.
Cocles, Bartolommeo della Rocca, 1467-1504Date: [1556]- Books
The arte of gardening, wherunto is added much necessarie matter, with a number of secrets: and the phisicke helps belonging to each hearb, which are easily prepared. Heer-vnto is annexed two proper treatises, the first intituled The meruailous gouerment, propertie, and benefite of bees, with the rare secrets of the honie and waxe: the other, The yearly coniectures, verie necessary for husband men. To these is likewise joyned a treatise of the arte of graffing and planting of trees / Gathered by Thomas Hill, Citizen of London.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1608- Books
- Online
The practise of the new and old phisicke : wherein is contained the most excellent secrets of phisicke and philosophie, deuided into foure bookes. In the which are the best approued remedies for the diseases as well inward as outward, of al the parts of mans body: treating very amplie of al distillations of waters, of oyles, balmes, quintessences, with the extraction of artificiall saltes, the vse and preparation of antimony, and potable gold. Gathered out of the best & most approued authors, by that excellent doctor Gesnerus. Also the pictures and maner to make the vessels, furnaces, and other instruments therevnto belonging. Newly corrected and published in English, by George Baker, one of the Queenes Maiesties chiefe chirurgians in ordinary.
Gessner, Conrad, 1516-1565Date: 1599- Books
- Online
The gardeners labyrinth : Containing a discourse of the gardeners life, in the yearly trauels to be bestowed on his plot of earth, for the vse of a garden: with instructions for the choise of seedes, apt times for sowing, setting, planting, and watering, and the vessels and instrumentes seruing to that vse and purpose: wherein are set forth diuers herbers, knots and mazes, cunningly handled for the beautifying of gardens. Also the phisicke benefit of ech herb, plant, and floure, with the vertues of the distilled waters of euery of them, as by the sequele may further appeare. Gathered out of the best approoued writers of gardening, hushandrie [sic], and phisicke: by Dydymus Mountain.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1594- Books
- Online
The profitable art of gardening / now the third time set forth: to which is added muche necessarie matter, and a number of secretes, with the phisicke helps belonging to eache hearbe, and that easily prepared.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1579- Books
The arte of gardening, wherunto is added much necessarie matter, with a number of secrets: and the phisicke helps belonging to each hearb, which are easily prepared. Heer-vnto is annexed two proper treatises, the first intituled The meruailous gouerment, propertie, and benefite of bees, with the rare secrets of the honie and waxe: the other, The yearly coniectures, verie necessary for husband men. To these is likewise joyned a treatise of the arte of graffing and planting of trees / Gathered by Thomas Hill, Citizen of London.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1608- Books
- Online
The gardeners labyrinth : Containing a discourse of the gardeners life, in the yearly trauels to be bestowed on his plot of earth, for the vse of a garden: with instructions for the choice of seeds, apt times for sowing, setting, planting, and watering, and the vessels and instruments seruing to that vse and purpose: wherin are set forth diuers herbers, knots, and mazes cunningly handled for the beautifying of gardens. Also the physick benefit of each herb, plant, and flowre, with the vertues of the distilled waters of euery of them, as by the sequele may further appeare. Gathered out of the best approued writers of gardening, husbandrie, and physicke: by Dydymus Mountain.
Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-Date: 1608