29 results filtered with: Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761
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Relaçam de alguns experimentos, e observaçoens, feitas sobre as medicinas de Madam Stephens, para dissolver a pedra ... Ajuntasse hum compendio historico de todos os factos, des de a origem deste descobrimento ... / Traduzido, e illustrado tudo, por J[acob] de C[astro] S[armento].
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: 1742- Books
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A treatise on ventilators. Wherein an account is given of the happy effects of many trials that have been made of them ... in refreshing the noxious air of ships, hospitals and mines, to the better preservation of the health and lives of mutitudes ... Part second / [Stephen Hales].
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1758- Books
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Vegetable staticks: or, an account of some statical experiments on the sap in vegetables: being an essay towards a natural history of vegetation. Also, a specimen of an attempt to analyse the air / [Stephen Hales].
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1727- Books
Statical essays, containing Haemastaticks / With an introduction by Andre Cournand.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: 1964- Books
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A friendly admonition to the drinkers of brandy, and other distilled spiritous liquors.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: 1733- Books
An account of some experiments and observations on Mrs. Stephen's medicines for dissolving the stone: wherein their dissolving power is inquir'd into, and shown / by Stephen Hales ; to which is added, a supplement to a pamphlet, intitled A view of the present evidence for and against Mrs. Stephen's medicines, etc., being a collection of some particulars relating to the discovery of these medicines, their publication, use and efficacy / by David Hartley.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: [1740?]- Books
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Some considerations on the causes of earthquakes. Which were read before the Royal Society, April 5, 1750 / By Stephen Hales.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: 1750- Books
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A description of ventilators: whereby great quantities of fresh air may with ease be conveyed into mines, goals [sic] hospitals, work-houses and ships, in exchange for their noxious air. An account also of their great usefulness in many other respects. As in preserving all sorts of grain dry, sweet, and free from being destroyed by weevels, both in grainaries and ships, and in preserving many other sorts of goods. As also in drying corn, malt, hop, gun-powder, &c., and for many other useful purposes / Which was read before the Royal Society in May, 1741 ... By Stephen Hales.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: 1743- Books
Two letters from the Right Reverend Dr. George Berkeley ... the one to Thomas Prior, Esq; concerning the usefulness of tar-water in the plague. (Wherein also it is considered, whether tar-water, prepared with the distilled acid of tar, should be preferred ... ) The other to the Rev. Dr. [S] Hales, on the benefit of tar-water in fevers, for cattle as well as the human species / [George Berkeley].
Berkeley, George, 1685-1753.Date: 1747- Books
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Emastatica, o sia statica degli animali ... / Tradotta dall'inglese nal franzese ... dal Sig. de Sauvages ... e dal franzese ... nell'italiano idioma [dalla Sig. M.A. Ardinghelli].
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1750-1752- Books
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Statical essays: containing vegetable staticks; or, an account of some statical experiments on the sap in vegetables ... / [Stephen Hales].
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1731-1733- Books
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An account of some experiments and observations on tar-water: wherein is shown the quantity of tar that is therein. And also a method proposed, both to abate that quantity considerably, and to ascertain the strength of the tar-water / Which was read before the Royal society. By Stephen Hales.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: 1745- Books
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La statique des vegetaux et l'analyse de l'air ... / Ouvrage traduit de l'anglois, par M. de Buffon.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1735- Books
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Haemastique, ou la statique des animaux: experiences hydrauliques faites sur des animaux vivans / Avec un recueil de quelques expériences sur les pierres que l'on trouve dans les reins et dans la vessie ... traduit de l'anglois, et augmenté de ... deux dissertations de medecine, sur la theorie de l'inflammation, et sur la cause de la fievre; par Mr. de Sauvages.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1744- Books
The authentick narrative of the success of tar water, in curing a great number and variety of distempers; with remarks ... / Carefully abridged. To which are subjoined, two letters from the author of Siris: [i.e. George Berkeley] shewing the medicinal properties of tar water, and the best manner of making it.
Prior, Thomas, 1681-1751.Date: 1749- Books
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Statica de' vegetabili ed analisi dell' aria / opera del signor Hales ... ; Tradotta dall' inglese con varie annotazioni [by M.A. Ardinghelli].
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: 1756- Books
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An account of a useful discovery to distill double the usual quantity of sea-water, by blowing showers of air up through the distilling liquor: and also to have the distilled water perfectly fresh and good by means of a little chalk. And an account of the great benefit of ventilators in many instances, in preserving the health and lives of people, in slave and other transport ships; which were read before the Royal Society. Also an account of the good effect of blowing showers of air up through milk ... / [Stephen Hales].
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1756- Books
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Instructions pour les mariniers : contenant la maniere de rendre l'eau de mer potable, de conserver l'eau douce, le biscuit, le bled, et de saler les animaux et diverses autres expériences physiques, lûës dans la Société Roïale de Londres / traduit de l'anglois de Mr. Hales.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: 1740- Books
Vegetable staticks / [Stephen Hales] ; foreword to this edition by M.A. Hoskin.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: [1961], ©1961- Books
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Philosophical experiments: containing useful, and necessary instructions for such as undertake long voyages at sea. Shewing how sea-water may be made fresh and how fresh-water may be preserv'd sweet. How biscuit corn, etc. may be secured from the weevel ... And flesh preserv'd in hot climates, by salting animals whole. To which is added, an account of several experiments and observations on chalybeate or steel-waters ... Likewise a proposal for cleansing away mud, etc. out of rivers, etc. Which were read before the Royal Society ... / [Stephen Hales].
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1739- Books
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An account of a useful discovery to distill double the usual quantity of sea-water, by blowing showers of air up through the distilling liquor: and an account of the great benefit of ventilators in many instances, in preserving the health and lives of people, in slave and other transport ships, which were read before the Royal society. Also an account of the good effect of blowing showers of air up through milk. Thereby to cure the ill taste which is occasioned by some kinds of food of cows / By Stephen Hales.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: 1756- Books
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Emastatica; o sia statica degli animali esperienze idraulichi fatte sugli animali viventi ... / Tradotta dall'inglese nel franzese, e commantata dal Signor Francesco Boissier de Sauvages ... e dal franzese ... nell'italiano idioma trasportata ... dalla sig. M.A.A. [i.e. Ardinghelli].
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.Date: 1776- Books
- Online
Statical essays: containing vegetable statics; or, an account of some statical experiments on the sap in vegetables ... Also a specimen of an attempt to analyse the air / [Stephen Hales].
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1738- Books
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Experiences phisiques sur la maniere de rendre l'eau de mer potable, sur la maniere de conserver l'eau douce, etc. A la fin se trouve une table méthodique des experiences de l'analise de l'air / [Stephen Hales].
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1741- Books
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Description du ventilateur par le moyen duquel on peut renouveller facilement et en grande quantité, l'air des mines, des prisons, des hôpitaux, des maisons de force, & des vaisseaux ... Ouvrage lû en présence de la Société royale ... 1741 / ... Traduit de l'anglois, par M.P. Demours.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1744