25 results filtered with: Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927
- Books
A brief historical summary of the treatment of trachoma : with special reference to the Arabian School and the writing of Ali Ibn-el-Aïssa (Jesu Hali) / by Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1921- Books
Une note sur "l'excellent petit livre" publié en 1557, par Georges Pictor / par Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927Date: 1924- Books
Discours présidentiel, Vme Congrès International d'Histoire de la Médecine, Genève, 1925 / [Charles Greene Cumston].
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1925- Books
L'histoire de la physiologie pathologique des ictères / par Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1915- Books
A note on an overlooked painting of Saint Roch / by Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1923- Books
An introduction to the history of medicine : from the time of the pharaohs to the end of the XVIIIth century / by Charles Greene Cumston ; with an essay on the relation of history and philosophy to medicine by F.G. Crookshank.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1987- Books
Gu'en Büchlin : durch was mittel und ordnung ein yeder vor dem Gries oder Nierenstein mög gesichert werden oder so er solchen hette oder überkäme wie jm möge geholffen werden / Alhie fürgeschriben dem g'meinen zů nutz ; durch D. Georgium Pictorium ; mit angehenckter tafel zů end was disz Büchlin innhalte.
Pictorius, Georg, approximately 1500-1569.Date: 1925- Books
A brief historical summary of the treatment of trachoma with special reference to the Arabian school and the writing of Ali ibn-el-Aïssa (Jesu Hali) / by Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1996- Books
The legal control of the sale of nostrums and poisons in France during the eighteenth century / Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1919- Books
- Online
An introduction to the history of medicine : from the time of the pharaohs to the end of the XVIIIth century / by Charles Greene Cumston ; with an essay on the relation of history and philosophy to medicine, by F.G. Crookshank.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1926- Books
Une note sur la découverte de l'Acarus Scabiei / par Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927Date: 1923- Books
The history of herpes from the earliest times to the nineteenth century : with remarks on dermatological lesions in general / by Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1926- Books
- Online
A clinical treatise on diabetes mellitus / by Marcel Labbé ; translated ... and edited by Charles Greene Cumston.
Labbé, Marcel, 1870-1939.Date: 1922- Books
Historical notes on smallpox and inoculation / by Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1924- Books
A sixteenth century Latin poem on the diseases of nurslings: "Paedotrophia" by Scévole de Sainte-Marthe / by Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1922- Books
The portrait of Vieussens at the Faculty of Medicine at Montpellier / Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1921- Books
The history of the treatment of the surgical affections of the lachrymal apparatus / by Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1921- Books
Histoire de la médecine : du temps des Pharaons au XVIIIe siècle / Charles Greene Cumston ; traduction par Mme. Dispan de Floran.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1931- Books
The surgical treatment of non-malignant affections of the stomach / by Charles Greene Cumston and Georges Patry ; with an introduction by Sir Berkeley G.A. Moynihan.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1921- Books
The history of medicine : from the time of the Pharaohs to the end of the XVIIIth century / C.G. Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: [1996], ©1996- Books
The finances of Felix Platter, Professor of Medicine at Bâle / by Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1919- Books
An introduction to the history of medicine from the time of the Pharaohs to the end of the XVIIIth century / by Charles Greene Cumston ; with an essay on the relation of history and philosophy to medicine by F.G. Crookshank.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1968- Books
The surgical exposure of the deep-seated blood-vessels / by J. Fiolle and J. Delmas ; translated and edited by Charles Greene Cumston.
Fiolle, Jean, 1884-Date: 1921- Books
Le timon et carte de navigation des jeunes chirurgiens navigans par maistre Henry David (Marseille 1675) / par Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927Date: 1924- Books
History of medicine : from the time of the Pharaohs to the end of the 18th Century / Charles Greene Cumston.
Cumston, Charles Greene, 1868-1927.Date: 1999