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46 results filtered with: Gymnastics
  • Mettray penal colony, Mettray, France: a large area in a park set up for gymnastics and other sports to take place. Lithograph by Sauvé & Faivre after A. Thierry.
  • Men are performing a variety of gymnastic and physical exercises. Photolithograph.
  • A Bulgarian female acrobat standing on her hands.
  • Men, women and children are performing a variety of physical exercises. Photolithograph, 1888.
  • De arte gymnastica libri sex. In quibus exercitationum vetustarum genera, loca, modi, facultates, & quidquid denique ad corporis humani exercitationes pertinet diligenter explicatur / Hieronymi Mercurialis Foroliviensis.
  • De arte gymnastica libri sex. In quibus exercitationum vetustarum genera, loca, modi, facultates, & quidquid denique ad corporis humani exercitationes pertinet diligenter explicatur / Hieronymi Mercurialis Foroliviensis.
  • Ecole Normale de Gymnastique et d'Escrime, Joinville, Val-de-Marne: Belgian soldiers performing gymnastic exercises. Process print, 190-.
  • De arte gymnastica libri sex. In quibus exercitationum vetustarum genera, loca, modi, facultates, & quidquid denique ad corporis humani exercitationes pertinet diligenter explicatur / Hieronymi Mercurialis Foroliviensis.
  • Indian clubs, and how to use them : a new and complete method for learning to wield light and heavy clubs graduated from the simplest to the most complicated exercises followed by an appendix on strength and strong men / by E. Ferdinand Lemaire.
  • Ecole Normale de Gymnastique et d'Escrime, Joinville, Val-de-Marne: Belgian soldiers performing gymnastic exercises. Process print, 190-.
  • Marguerite Agniel posing with her legs crossed and hands together resting on her legs.
  • Gymnastiska dagöfningar valda bland dem som begagnats vid Stockholms stads folkskolor under åren 1870-80 / af C.H. Liedbeck.
  • Marguerite Agniel posing with her back arched and feet in the air, wearing a two-piece costume and matching turban.
  • Hieronymi // Mercurialis De arte gymnastica libri sex. In quibus exercitationum omnium vetustarum, genera, loca modi, facultates et quidquid denique ad corporis humani eaxercitationes pertinet, diligenter explicatur / [Girolamo Mercuriale].
  • De arte gymnastica libri sex. In quibus exercitationum vetustarum genera, loca, modi, facultates, & quidquid denique ad corporis humani exercitationes pertinet diligenter explicatur / Hieronymi Mercurialis Foroliviensis.
  • Gymnastiska dagöfningar valda bland dem som begagnats vid Stockholms stads folkskolor under åren 1870-80 / af C.H. Liedbeck.
  • Organs of the body performing gymnastic exercises; representing courses in physical culture taught by Edmond Desbonnet. Colour lithograph.
  • Turnbuch für Schulen als Anleitung für den Turnunterricht durch die Lehrer der Schulen / Von Adolf Spiess.
  • Turnbuch für die Söhne des Vaterlandes / von Chr. Fried. Guts Muths. Mit vier Kupfertafeln.
  • Marguerite Agniel posing leaning back wearing a two-piece costume and matching turban, in a photographic studio.
  • World War I: a gymnastic performance in Amsterdam for the benefit of wounded French soldiers. Colour lithograph by A. Ost, 1918.
  • Marguerite Agniel posing with her legs crossed and hands together resting on her legs.
  • Men and women performing various exercises using the system of opposing forces devised by J.L. Pichery. Wood engravings, 18--.
  • De arte gymnastica libri sex. In quibus exercitationum vetustarum genera, loca, modi, facultates, & quidquid denique ad corporis humani exercitationes pertinet diligenter explicatur / Hieronymi Mercurialis Foroliviensis.
  • The leading features of Dr. G. Zander's medico-mechanical gymnastic method and its use in four separate treatises / by A. Levertin [and others] ; with some directions for the establishment of gymnastic institutes on this method / by Rossel, Schwarz & Co.
  • Men and women performing various exercises using the system of opposing forces devised by J.L. Pichery. Wood engravings, 18--.
  • A pair of Indian tumblers performing. Gouache drawing.
  • Turnbuch für Schulen als Anleitung für den Turnunterricht durch die Lehrer der Schulen / Von Adolf Spiess.
  • A Bulgarian female acrobat performing contortions with a handkerchief in her mouth.
  • The leading features of Dr. G. Zander's medico-mechanical gymnastic method and its use in four separate treatises / by A. Levertin [and others] ; with some directions for the establishment of gymnastic institutes on this method / by Rossel, Schwarz & Co.