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23 results filtered with: Bathing
  • Birth of the Virgin by Andrea Pisano, Bronze relief
  • Advert for Gold Dust Washing Powder
  • Birth of the Virgin by Giovanni da Milano circa 1360
  • Lying-in room, by Master of the North Tirol, 15thC
  • Advert for Lux
  • Nativity, by Gaddi, showing swadding and bathing, 14thC
  • Saint Remy bathed by his nurses. Tapestry no.7, in Rheims Cathedral.
  • Advert for an indoor swimming pool, Venez Nager au Bassin Couvert, at 151 Rue de Dison, Verviers
  • Birth of the Virgin by Zeitblom
  • Venetian lying-in room, by Paris Bordone
  • Birth of the Virgin by Carpaccio, showing bath.
  • Birth of John: the child being bathed, by Pinturicchio
  • Birth of the Virgin, by Von Mekenem
  • Dutch lying-in room, child being fed with pap, by Troost.
  • Birth of the Virgin by Holbein
  • Levisticum officinale or Ligusticum sp (Lovage)
  • Cradle shown in Madonna with cat by Romano.
  • Birth of the Virgin, by Vivarini, showing swaddling clothes.
  • Advert for Kerol
  • The nativity, 12thC mosaic showing swaddling and bathing
  • Madonna and child shwoing breast feeding by De' Conti.
  • Nativity, child about to be bathed, by Pisano, 13thC
  • Advert for Gold Dust Washing Powder