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100 results filtered with: Illustration
  • Haemoglobin
  • Imaginary Herbaria of Dr James Miranda Barry
  • Situs inversus, illustration
  • Raw potato
  • Labour and birth, hand drawn illustration
  • Onion ring
  • Loss, emotional cancer journey, artwork
  • Reduced oxygen affects human organs, conceptual artwork
  • Raw ginger, illustration
  • Antibody
  • Reduced oxygen affects human organs, conceptual artwork
  • Vomiting and sickness, artwork
  • 53 in the form of a double helix
  • Model of a DNA double helix according to the correct dimensions of the natural molecule.
  • HIV translation, HIV viral life cycle, illustration
  • Crystallised ginger, SEM
  • Epidural anaesthesia, artwork
  • Antidepressant drug blocking dopamine transporter protein
  • Labour and birth, hand drawn illustration
  • The Ebola virus
  • Adenovirus
  • Reverse transcription, HIV viral life cycle, illustration
  • HIV Reverse Transcriptase
  • Healthy brain, composite of tractography, MRI and artwork
  • Sadness, hand drawn illustration
  • Synthetic DNA channel transporting cargo across membranes
  • Pills, artwork
  • Illustration depicting semi-conservative DNA replication. Three generations of DNA are shown. After separation of the DNA double helix, two new complementary DNA strands are synthesised (indicated by a new colour). Complementary base pairing and hydrogen bonding results in formation of a new double helix.
  • Reduced oxygen affects human organs, conceptual artwork
  • Zika virus, illustration