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111 results filtered with: Reading
  • Oliver Caswell and Laura Bridgman reading embossed letters from a book. Lithograph by W. Sharp, 1844, after A. Fisher.
  • A wounded British soldier being visited in an Egyptian hospital by a monk, a sister of mercy and a chaplain. Wood engraving after F. Villiers.
  • A man reads a book while his wife cuts his toenails. Coloured etching after G. Piattoli, c. 1800.
  • The Virgin Mary and the Christ child, with Saint Augustine, Saint George, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Stephen and an angel with a lily. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after F. Francia.
  • Joseph reads from the Bible while the Virgin Mary breast feeds Jesus. Etching by S. della Bella.
  • A girl sitting on a bench crying as a boy pulls her plait: another boy reads beside her. Wood engraving by H. Linton.
  • The angel announces to the Virgin that she will give birth to Christ. Watercolour.
  • A girl kneels on the floor by an old man holding a book on his lap: another man sits at a table with an open book, a third removes his hat as he enters the room. Engraving by L. Stocks after F. Nash.
  • A philosopher in his study, reading a book containing a print of a skeleton. Etching by J.A. von Prenner, 1728, after C. Paudiss.
  • A scholar sits in his study reading beside a globe. Line engraving by V. Denon, 1784, after G. Metsu (?).
  • Everyday life at Greenwich Hospital: left, Pensioners in one of the wards, right, inside one of the "cabbins". Wood engravings by M. Jackson, 1865.
  • A girl reads to a convalescent while a nurse brings in the patient's medicine. Watercolour by R.H. Giles.
  • An abstinent gentleman is read to in the park by a boy. Lithograph, c. 1840, after T. Wilson.
  • A woman teaching an infant to read; representing grammar. Engraving by A. Vallée after M. de Vos.
  • A patient lies on a chaise-longue, while a nurse brings her some refreshment. Wood engraving by J.C. Griffiths after G.G. Kilburne.
  • A bearded man walking the streets with his hat under his arm deeply engrossed in reading a book. Etching by J.T. Smith, 1815.
  • An alchemist poring over a book, on his table stand an hour-glass, a skull, and an astrological globe. Engraving by J.N. Tardieu after D. Teniers the younger, 1640/1650.
  • The Royal Institution, Albemarle Street: the library. Coloured aquatint by J. C. Stadler, 1800, after A. C. Pugin and T. Rowlandson.
  • Pensioners of the Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, and others, celebrating the destruction of the Russian navy. Coloured lithograph, 1855.
  • An apothecary with instruments of his profession seated in an arched window. Lithograph by M. Vernaut after G. Metsu.
  • A seated man reading a newspaper in a kitchen (?), a basket by his feet. Engraving by C.W. Sharpe after T.S. Goode.
  • Two women read aloud and talk to each other, while a sick man listens in suffering silence. Line engraving.
  • A paralysed old man being comforted and nursed by his children. Mezzotint by S. De Wilde after J.J. Flipart after J.B. Greuze.
  • Two children give a tea party for their doll, an old lady sits reading in the background. Lithograph by de Villain.
  • A young woman convalescing in a country garden watches a bird feed on bread. Coloured line engraving by C. Cousen after M.B. Foster.
  • The Virgin, reading a scroll on a prie-dieu, is visited by the announcing angel. Engraving by M. van der Gucht.
  • The Virgin reads her Bible as the angel appears with the Holy Spirit. Engraving by J. Collaert after J. Straet.
  • The British Museum: the interior of the reading room, in use. Wood engraving by [I.C.] after C. Gregory, 1874.
  • The Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Ireland: recreation room. Reproduction of a photograph by C.H.S. after G.M. Roche.
  • A patient lies on a chaise-longue, while a nurse brings her some refreshment. Wood engraving by J.C. Griffiths after G.G. Kilburne.