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Jason and the Adventure of 254

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Photograph of a colourful exhibition space with three individuals exploring a large sculpture of a pair of boots with callipers. The sculpture is covered in colourful patterns and towers above their heads. On the wall in the background is a bright yellow mural containing drawings and text.
Jason and the Adventure of 254, an exhibition by Jason Wilsher-Mills at Wellcome Collection. Gallery Photo: Benjamin Gilbert. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).

An emotional and whimsical expression of the joys of being human, fun for the whole family, and has something powerful to say about how society perceives disability.


Artist Jason Wilsher-Mills presents a major solo exhibition, ‘Jason and the Adventure of 254’, his largest and most personal commission to date. It is a joyful exploration of the body, drawing on the artist’s experience of becoming disabled as a child.  

Reimagining the gallery space as a hospital ward, Wilsher-Mills’ installation of sculptures, illustrations and interactive dioramas challenges cultural and societal perceptions surrounding disability, medicine and the human body.

The exhibition is inspired by 1980s TV, as well as anatomical drawings in Wellcome Collection, and uses a kaleidoscope of colours with a touch of magic realism. It is a celebration of family and creativity expressed through Wilsher-Mills’ characteristic tongue-in-cheek humour. 

Everyone is invited to explore ‘Jason and the Adventure of 254’. There are interactive push-button lights, and you can touch everything in the exhibition. To keep you and the artworks safe, please touch them gently and do not climb on the sculptures. 

You can also watch a short tour of the exhibition narrated by Wilsher-Mills. In the video, the artist talks about his influences and shares the story behind some of his key works.

Visit us

Free admission

Galleries open Tuesday–Sunday, Opening times

Gallery 2, level 1

Step-free access is available to all floors of the building

Large-print guides, transcripts and magnifiers are available in the gallery

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