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Beauty, body image and society

Fully booked
  • Free
  • Study day
  • Schools
A group of young people standing around a table looking at a table displaying archive materials
Youth Programme Study Day. Photo: Kathleen Arundell. Source: Wellcome Collection. © All rights reserved.

What you’ll do  

Join us for a study day where students will explore body image, beauty standards, and how ideals have been created and shaped across cultures and times. We will explore the impact of societal standards, colonialism and whiteness on how we see ourselves and other people.  

The session will take place over a whole school day and feature creative and discussion-based activities. Students will have the opportunity to handle objects, closely look at library material and explore our exhibitions.  

The session leader is an experienced workshop producer and schools and youth facilitator.

Who can come 

We have developed this study session for groups of students aged 14 to 19, studying GCSEs or post-16 qualifications at school or sixth-form college. You can bring up to 30 students, accompanied by staff at a ratio of 1:10. 

Due to the small scale of our free programme, schools in the Greater London area have priority.



Need to know


We’ll be in the Studio on level 1. When you enter Wellcome Collection, head up the stairs or take the lift, then follow the signs.

School booking conditions

Your school or college can book a maximum of two study days per term. To secure your booking, you'll need to complete and return the required forms promptly.

All study days and events are free, but we charge a fee for cancellation or significant changes to your group size made within three weeks of your visit. Both policies are explained fully in the agreement we ask you to sign ahead of your visit.

For more information, please visit our Accessibility page. If you have any queries about accessibility, please email us at access@wellcomecollection.org or call 0 2 0. 7 6 1 1. 2 2 2 2

About your facilitator

Cheyenne Eugene

Cheyenne Eugene


Cheyenne is a youth-programme producer and facilitator specialising in personal, social, health and economic education (PHSE) workshops on subjects including relationships and sex education, environmental education, and social-justice topics. She is also a writer and editor, and more recently, a wannabe thespian – catch her in your next local London theatre production!