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O fiziologicheskom i terapevticheskom dieistvii rasteniia Lobelia inflata na serdtse i krovoobrashchenie : materialy k voprosu o farmakologicheskom dieistvii rasteniia Lobelia inflata : dissertatsiia na stepen' doktora meditsiny / Spiridona Afanas'eva.
Afanas'ev, Spiridon.Date: 1887- Books
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A practical treatise on the anti-asthmatic properties of the bladder-podded lobelia, (Lobelia inflata, Linn.) : with directions for the exhibition of the preparations of it, which have succeeded in the practice of the most eminent physicians of the United States, of Dr. Andrews, of Glasgow, of Surgeon Gordon, and of other practitioners of England, in the cure and prevention of asthma : with instructions as to diet, exercise, &c. and remarks on the supposed varieties of the disease : to which is added, an account of the chirayita herb, lately introduced as a remedy for nervous and gouty indigestion, morbid sensibility of the stomach, and obstructions of the liver, etc. etc. / by Richard Reece.
Reece, Richard, 1775-1831.Date: Printed for Ridgway,- Books
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A practical treatise on the peculiar tonic & stomachic properties of the round-leaf cornel, (Cornus circinata) : particularly in cases of indigestion of weakly & elderly people, and for local and general debility, the consequences of excessive indulgence in spirituous or vinous liquors, savoury dishes, or a long residence in a tropical climate, and for the breaking up the system, termed the climacteric malady : with directions as to the choice of articles of diet, etc. etc. : to which is added, an account of the antispasmodic properties of the lobelia inflata, with directions for its exhibition in spasmodic asthma, hooping cough, St. Vitus's dance, etc. / by J.H. Robinson.
Robinson, Joseph Heyliger, -1835.Date: 1829- Books
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A practical treatise on general or partial debility, either original or hereditary, or from age, dissipation, residence in a tropical climate, etc. : and on the most effectual means of preventing and curing organic diseases, &c. which undermine the constitution and lay the foundation of the climacteric malady, or breaking up of the constitution in both sexes : by diet, exercise, and the round-leaf cornel, where a tonic remedy is necessary : to which is added an account of the lobelia inflata, the celebrated American specific for asthma, with remarks on the seat, causes, dietetic and medical treatment of the different varieties of asthma / by S.H. Robinson.
Robinson, Joseph Heyliger, -1835.Date: [1837]