Paracelsus, 1493-1541
By this person (259)
About this person (389)
- Books
Methodus cognoscendi & curandi adfectus capitis particulares, qui cerebro to proto aitheterio insidiantur, Hippocraticis, Paracelsicis, ac Harvejanis principiis illustrata, dissertationibus duodecim explanata ... / [Werner Rolfinck].
Rolfinck, Werner, 1599-1673Date: 1653- Books
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An exact collection of the choicest and more rare experiments and secrets in physick and chyrurgery (both cymick and Galenick) : viz. of Leonard Phioravant, Knight and doctour in physick and chyrurgery, his Rational secrets and chyrurgery &c. : whereunto is annexed Paracelsus's One hundred and fourteen experiments : with certain excellent works of G.B. à ortu Aquitano ; also Isaac Holandus, his secrets concerning his vegetal and animal work : with Quercetanus his Spagyrick antidotary for gun-shot : also certain collections out of some manuscripts of Dr. Edwards and other physitians of note.
Fioravanti, Leonardo, 1517-Date: 1659- Books
- Online
Medicina diastatica, or, Sympatheticall mumie : containing many mysterious and hidden secrets in philosophy and physick, by the [brace] construction, extraction, transplantation and application [brace] of microcosmical & spiritual mumie : teaching the magneticall cure of diseases at distance, &c. / abstracted from the works of Dr. Theophr. Paracelsus by the labour and industry of Andrea Tentzelius ... ; translated out of the Latine by Ferdinando Parkhurst.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541Date: 1653- Books
Opera omnia : medico-chemico-chirurgica, tribus voluminibus comprehensa ... / [Paracelsus].
Paracelsus, 1493-1541.Date: 1658- Books
Von den ofnen Schäden und Geschweren ... / Jetzunder erst ausz dem rechten Original ergentzt, und uff das halb Theil gemehret, durch Doctorem Toxiten.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541Date: 1577