Hospitals - history
- Student dissertations
"The parish of St George-the-martyr is a veritable hospital town" : medical treatment available to the Holborn poor during the second half of the nineteenth century / Jacqueline Watson.
Watson, Jacqueline.Date: 2008- Books
The story of the Bloomsbury dispensary / [Roma McAuliffe].
McAuliffe, Roma.Date: 1973- Books
Eforia Spitalelor Civile, 1832-1932.
Eforia Spitalelor Civile (Bucharest, Romania)Date: [1932]- Books
L'Hopital Saint-Jean de Bruges (de 1188 à 1500) / [Emmauel van der Elst].
Elst, Emmanuel van der.Date: 1975- Books
A history. 1865-1965.
Blackburn and East Lancashire Royal Infirmary.Date: 1965