Prophecies--Early works to 1800
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De coniunctionibus magnis insignioribus superiorum planetarum, solis defectionibus, & cometis, in quarta monarchia, cum eorundem effectuum historica expositione. Auctore Cypriano Leouitio, à Leonicia, Boemo, Hradecense, mathematico. Eiusdem authoris. His accessit, ab anno Domini. 1564. in viginti annos sequentes, prognosticon, in quo quid planetæ de proximo totius orbis interitu portendant apertè ostenditur. Item pij cuiusdam viri, de stella quæ citra naturæ ordinem proximo mense Decembri aparuit epigrammate conclusum iudicium.
Leowitz, Cyprian, 1524-1574Date: Anno. 1573- Books
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The bloody almanack : to which England is directed, to fore-know what shall come to passe, by that famous astrologer, M. John Booker. Being a perfect abstract of the prophecies proved out of Scripture, by the noble Napier, Lord of Marchistoun in Scotland. With additions.
Date: 1643- Books
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Black Munday: or, A full and exact description of that great and terrible eclipse of the sun which will happen on the 29. day of March 1652 : beginning 48. minutes after 8. a clock in the forenoon, and ending 17. minutes after 11. in which time the sun will be almost totally darkened (as at the passion of our Savior) and the stars appear in the firmament in the day time. Also as astrologicall conjecture of the terrible effects that will probably follow thereupon, according to the judgment of the best astrologers: it threatens the fall of some famous kings or princes, and men in authority malice, hatred, uncharitablenesse, cruell wars and bloodshed, house-burnings, great robberies, thefts, plundering and pillaging, rapes, depopulation, violent and unexpected deaths, famine, plague, &c.
Date: 1652- Books
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The true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, physician to Henry II, Francis II, and Charles IX, kings of France and one of the best astronomers that ever were : a work full of curiosity and learning / translated and commented by Theophilvs de Garencieres.
Nostradamus, 1503-1566Date: 1672- Books
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Black Munday: or, A full and exact description of that great and terrible eclipse of the sun which will happen on the 29. day of March 1652 : beginning 48. minutes after 8. a clock in the forenoon, and ending 17. minutes after 11. in which time the sun will be almost totally darkened (as at the Passion of our Saviour) and the stars appear in the firmament in the day time. Also an astrologicall conjecture of the terrible effects that will probably follow thereupon, according to the judgment of the best astrologers: it threatens the fall of some famous kings or princes, and men in authority: malice, hatred, uncharitablenesse, cruell wars and bloodshed, house-burnings, great robberies, thefts, plundering and pillaging, rapes, depopulation, violent and unexpected deaths, famine, plague, &c.
Date: 1651