Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204. 13 ʻiḳre ha-emunah
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Shelosh ʿesreh ʿiḳarim, divre ha-bayit ha-sheni, ʿeser geliyot Yisraʾel = tredicim Articuli fidei Iudaeorum, item, Compendium elegans historiarum Iosephi, complectens: Acta LXX, Interpretum: Gesta Machabeorum: Facta Herodum: Excidium Hierosolymitanum, item, decem captivitates Iudaeorum : Haec per Sebastianum Munsterum & Hebraeis & Latinis legenda exarantur.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 1529- Books
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Shelosh ʿesreh yesode ha-Torah le-Gaʼon ʿUzenu tifʼeret Yisraʼel ha-Rambam z.l : ṿe-ʿalehem ha-beʼur Yesod ha-Torah ṿehu metsiʼut ha-Shem yitbarakh ṿe-yitʿ. yesod ha-yesodot ṿe-ekh mi-menu yistaʿafu kol yesode ha-torah ṿeha-emunah le-maʿan heḳim ha-emet ʿal telo ṿeha-emunah ʿal mekhonah meʼet H. hayta zot leha-Rofe Mordekhai Gumpel.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 5557 [1792]- Books
The commentary of R. Ḥōṭer ben Shelōmō to the thirteen principles of Maimonides / edited, translated, and annotated by David R. Blumenthal ; with a foreword by S.D. Goitein.
Dhamārī, Manṣur Suleiman, active 15th century.Date: 1974