
Cattle Diseases - prevention & control


  • Proclama : publicato di commissione dell'illustrissimo, & eccellentisimo Signor Ferigo venier Capo., e V. Poda. per la serenis. Republica di Venetia, &c. Rettore di Padova, & suo distretto, e delli nob. sig. sopra proveditori aggionti, e proveditori alla sanità.
  • Pine's Devonshire oils, for cattle : worms in sheep, ewes' and cows' udders, black udder, scour in lambs, inflammations, gripes, chills, galls, sprains, swellings, broken knees, &c. : prepared & sold wholesale & retail by the proprietor / R.J. Joint.
  • Koch's Tuberculin : for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in cattle : tested, before being issued, by the State Control Board at the Royal Prussian Institute for Experimental Therapeutics in Frankfort o/M. (Director: prof. Dr. P. Ehrlich) : prepared in the serum department of E. Merck, Darmstadt.
