Obermiller, Eugéne, 1901-1935
- Books
The history of Buddhism in India and Tibet / by Bu-ston ; translated from Tibetan by E. Obermiller.
Bu-ston Rin-chen-grub, 1290-1364.Date: 1986- Books
The jewelry of scripture / by Bu-ston ; translated from Tibetan by E. Obermiller ; with an introduction by Th. Stcherbatsky.
Bu-ston Rin-chen-grub, 1290-1364.Date: 1987- Books
Prajñāpāramitā in Tibetan Buddhism / by E. Obermiller ; edited by Harcharan Singh Sobti.
Obermiller, Eugéne, 1901-1935.Date: 1989