Baths - history
- Books
Dei bagni della Porretta / Ugolino da Pisa ; edizione critica e lessico a cura di Mahmoud Salem Elsheikh.
Ugolino, da Pisa, active 14th century-15th century.Date: 1998- Books
Ablutions et bains chez les Sémites / par le Dr. Beugnies.
Beugnies.Date: 1896- Books
Vater Kneipp : sein Leben und sein Wirken mit einem Anhange über seine letzten Lebenstage ... / von Justus Verus.
Verus, Justinus.Date: 1897- Books
The baths of the Romans explained and illustrated. With the restorations of Palladio corrected and improved. To which is prefixed, an introductory preface, pointing out the nature of the work. And a dissertation upon the state of the arts during the different periods of the Roman empire. Description des bains des Romans, etc / By Charles Cameron.
Cameron, Charles, approximately 1743-1812.Date: 1772- Books
Römische Thermen : Badewesen und Badeluxus im römischen Reich / Werner Heinz.
Heinz, Werner Helmut, 1949-Date: 1983