Boaistuau, Pierre, -1566
- Books
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The theatre of the world : in the which is discoursed at large the many miseries and frailties incident to mankinde in this mortall life : with a discourse of the excellency and dignity of mankinde, all illustrated and adorned with choice stories taken out of both Christian and heathen authors ... / being a work of that famous French writer, Peter Bovistau Launay, in three distinct books ; formerly translated into Spanish by Baltazar Peres del Castillo ; and now into English by Francis Farrer.
Boaistuau, Pierre, -1566Date: 1663- Books
Histoires prodigieuses extraictes de plusieurs fameux auteurs, grecs & latins, sacrez & prophanes / mises en nostre langue par P. Boaistuau, sournommé Launay, natif de Bretagne. Augmentées outre les précédentes impressions de six histoires advennues de nostre temps adjoustées par F. de Belle-forest comingeois, avec les portraicts & figures.
Boaistuau, Pierre, -1566.Date: 1575- Books
- Online
Histoires prodigieuses, extraictes de plusieurs fameux autheurs, grecs et latins, sacrez et prophanes ... / nouvellement augmentées de quatorze histoires par Claude de Tesserant.
Boaistuau, Pierre, -1566Date: 1568- Books
- Online
Theatrum mundi : the theatre or rule of the vvorlde, vvherein may be seene the running race and course of euery mans life, as touching miserie and felicitie, wherin be contained wonderfull examples and learned deuises, to the ouerthrow of vice, and exalting of vertue. VVherevnto is added a learned and pitthie worke of the excellencie of mankynd. Written in the French and Latin tongues by Peter Boaystuau, Englished by Iohn Alday.
Boaistuau, Pierre, -1566Date: Anno. 1574- Books
Histoires prodigieuses (édition de 1561) : édition critique / Pierre Boaistuau ; introduction par Stephen Bamforth ; texte établi par Stephen Bamforth et annoté par Jean Céard.
Boaistuau, Pierre, -1566.Date: 2010