Alcoholism: (above) degrading consequences of alcohol in ancient times; (below) a temperance restaurant in modern times. Colour lithograph attributed to Paul-Emile Colin, ca. 1900.

  • Colin, Paul-Emile, 1867-1949.
Part of:
Muebles y material para la enseñanza
  • Pictures

About this work


Above, the drunkenness of Noah (left) and the drunkenness of helots in Sparta (right); below left, men seen through a restaurant window with "Restaurant de la temperancia" inscribed on the fascia; below right, statements about the evils of alcohol

For the drunkenness of Noah see Bible. O.T. Genesis 9.18-25: Ham sees his father, Noah, naked and drunk, Shem and Japheth turn away, and Noah curses Canaan, the son of Ham. The helots were a class of people in near-slavery whom the Spartans would get drunk in order to show to their children the degradation of drunkenness and thus teach temperance (Plutarch, Lycurgus 28)


Paris (46, Rue du Bac) : Les Fils d'Émile Deyrolle (Paris : Imp. Gaillac-Monrocq et Cie.), [1900?]

Physical description

1 print : lithograph ; image text and border 76 x 52 cm.


Alcoholismo por Gustave Philippon, Dr-en-ciencias, y el Dr Legrain Bears numbers: Ex 32 A [scored through]; No. 432 A


Represion: Noe y sus hijos; ilotas ebrios. El ebrio hace reir y fastidia, pero uno debe tenerle lastima. -- Las escenas de la vida

Creator/production credits

Bears artist's monogram in top right scene, apparently PE with a larger C: monogram of Paul Emile Colin (1867-1949). Colin studied and possibly practised medicine, which he abandoned in 1901 to become a professional artist. His first woodcuts date from 1893: see Marcus Osterwalder, Dictionnaire des illustrateurs 1800-1914, Paris 1983, p. 253. A poster of an alcoholic, lettered "Santé - sobriété", signed "Paul Colin", shows that he was engaged in anti-alcohol propaganda


Wellcome Collection 543167i

Language note

Other works in the same series with lettering in Spanish have series title in French: Mobilier et matériel pour l'enseignement



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