75 results filtered with: Hospitals, Religious - history
- Books
Die konfessionelle Körperbehindertenfürsorge / Klaus-Dieter Thomann.
Thomann, Klaus-Dieter.Date: 1998- Books
Say little, do much : nurses, nuns, and hospitals in the nineteenth century / Sioban Nelson.
Nelson, Sioban.Date: [2001], ©2001- Books
Geschichte der Privat-Kranken-Anstalt "Konfraternität" vormals Privat-Kranken- und Pensions-Institut gleichen Namens für Handlungskommis in Wien ... / verfat̊ von Wolfgang Pauker.
Pauker, Wolfgang.Date: 1935- Books
Unlikely entrepreneurs : Catholic sisters and the hospital marketplace, 1865-1925 / Barbra Mann Wall.
Wall, Barbra Mann.Date: [2005], ©2005- Books
Hospitales e xenodochi : mercanti e pellegrini dal Lario al Ceresio / Mariuccia Belloni Zecchinelli, Luigi Mario Belloni.
Belloni Zecchinelli, Mariuccia.Date: [1997], ©1997- Books
Ministry and meaning : a religious history of Catholic health care in the United States / by Christopher J. Kauffman.
Kauffman, Christopher J., 1936-2018.Date: [1995]- Books
Selig die Barmherzigen : 150 Jahre St. Hedwig-Krankenhaus / Axel Hinrich Murken, Sylvia Thomas.
Murken, Axel Hinrich.Date: 1996- Books
Bonifatius Hospitaal : de geschiedenis van een ziekenhuis, 1883-1983 / G. Abma.
Abma, Gerben, 1932-Date: [1983?]- Books
The French Hospital in England : its Huguenot history and collections / Tessa Murdoch and Randolph Vigne.
Murdoch, T. V. (Tessa Violet)Date: 2009- Books
Geschichte christlicher Kranke-Pflege und Pflegerschaften / von Heinrich Haeser.
Haeser, Heinrich, 1811-1884.Date: 1966- Books
100 Jahre Evangelisches Elisabeth-Krankenhaus Trier : von 1895 bis 1995 / Klaus Gallien [and others].
Gallien, Klaus.Date: 1995- Books
Who shall take care of our sick? : Roman Catholic sisters and the development of Catholic hospitals in New York City / Bernadette Mccauley.
McCauley, Bernadette.Date: 2005- Books
La Enfermería Jerónima del Monasterio del Escorial : su historia y vicisitudes durante el reinado de Felipe II / Emilio Maganto Pavón.
Maganto Pavón, Emilio.Date: 1995- Books
Geschichte der Franziskanerinnen von Waldbreitbach in Ehrang und des Marienkrankenhauses Ehrang, 1895-1995 / herausgegeben von Hans-Anton Adams.
Date: 1995- Books
Pflegen und Heilen in Göttingen : die Diakonissenanstalt Bethlehem von 1866 bis 1966 / Traudel Weber-Reich.
Weber-Reich, Traudel.Date: [1999], ©1999- Books
Hundert Jahre Central-Diakonissenhaus Bethanien zu Berlin / von Wilhelm Langer.
Langer, Wilhelm, 1887-Date: 1947- Books
Charitas e scientia nel primo secolo di cronaca del "Melograno" 1588-1687 : spunti storici sulla Provincia Lombardo Veneta dei Fatebenefratelli / Giuseppe Briacca.
Briacca, Giuseppe.Date: [1992]- Books
Les groupes des laïcs dans les hôpitaux et les léproseries au moyen âge / François-Olivier Touati.
Touati, François-Olivier.Date: 1996- Books
Lord Rothschild and the barber : the struggle to establish the London Jewish Hospital / Gerry Black.
Black, Gerry.Date: 2000- Books
Blazing the tuberculosis trail : the religio-ethnic role of four sanatoria in early Denver / by Jeanne Abrams.
Abrams, Jeanne E., 1951-Date: [1991], ©1991- Books
Organisationskultur konfessioneller Krankenhäuser : Ausklang und Nachfolge christlicher Schwesternschaften in Führung, Politik und Dienst zwischen 1945 und 2000 : St. Theresienkrankenhaus Nürnberg und Diako Flensburg / Thomas Neunert.
Neunert, Thomas.Date: [2009], ©2009- Books
The Holy Infirmary of the Knights of St. John, "La Sacra Infermeria" / Paul Cassar.
Cassar, Paul.Date: 1994- Books
The thinkers : a history of the physicians and the development of scientific medicine at St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, 1857-1997 / John B. Hickie.
Hickie, John B.Date: 2000- Books
Medieval religious houses: Ireland : with an appendix to early sites / by Aubrey Gwynn and R. Neville Hadcock ; with a foreword by David Knowles.
Gwynn, Aubrey, 1892-1983.Date: 1988- Books
American Catholic hospitals : a century of changing markets and missions / Barbra Mann Wall.
Wall, Barbra Mann.Date: [2011], ©2011