3,542 results filtered with: Great Britain
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Cases decided in the Court of Session, from November 1790 to July 1792. Collected by Robert Bell, Clerk to the Signet
Great Britain- E-books
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An act for laying certain duties upon hides and skins, tanned, tawed, or dressed, and upon vellom and parchement, for the term of thiry two years, for prosecuting the war, and other Her Majesties most necessary occasions
Great Britain- E-books
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Modern reports: being a collection of several special cases, most of them adjudged in the Court of Common Pleas, in the twenty-sixth ... thirtieth years of ... Charles II. To which are added, several select cases in the courts of Chancery, King's Bench, a
Great Britain- E-books
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The Speech of the Lords Commissioners appointed by His Majesty, for holding this Parliament: delivered by the Lord Keeper to both Houses of Parliament, on Saturday the second day of June, 1759
Great Britain- E-books
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An Act for the speedy and effectual preserving the navigation of the river of Thames, by stopping the breach in the levels of Havering and Dagenham in the county of Essex; and for ascertaining the coal-measure
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An act for consolidating, extending, and rendering more effectual the Powers granted by several Acts of Parliament for making, enlarging, amending and cleansing the Vaults, Drains, and Sewers within the City of London, and Liberties thereof, and for pavin
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An act for cleansing, lighting, and watching, and levelling the surfaces of the streets, and other public places, within the hamlets of Deretend and Bordesley, in the county of Warwick; ..
Great Britain- E-books
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An act for dissolving the marriage of Richard Morgan, Esquire, with Ann Hall, his now Wife; and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned
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An act for dividing and inclosing the open fields, meadows, common pastures, and waste grounds within the townships of North Muskham, Holme, and Bathley, in the parish of North Muskham, in the county of Nottingham
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An Act for taking down the church and tower belonging to the parish of Saint John at Hackney, in the county of Middlesex, and for building another church and tower for the use of the said parish, and for making an additional cemetery or church yard
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An abstract of several clauses in an act of Parliament passed in the twelfth year of King George the Second, intituled, An act for taking off the duties upon woollen and bay yarn imported from Ireland to England, and for the more effectual preventing the
Great Britain- E-books
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The Debate in the House of Commons, on Mr. Beaufoy's motion for the repeal of such parts of the Test and Corporation Acts as affect the Protestant dissenters: on Friday the eighth of May, 1789
Great Britain- E-books
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An act for making the portions provided by the marriage settlement of Sir George Trevelyan, Baronet, and Dame Julia his wife, for their younger children, ..
Great Britain- E-books
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The second section of the Articles of War
Great Britain- E-books
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A bill, intituled An act for placing the stock called East India annuities under the management of the governor and company of the Bank of England, and ingrafting the same on the three pounds per centum reduced annuities, ..
Great Britain- E-books
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An act for vesting certain manors, rectories, lands, tythes, tenements, and hereditaments, in the counties of Somerset and Devon, devised by the will of John late Earl of Portsmouth, deceased, in trustees, ..
Great Britain- E-books
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The military register; or new and complete lists of all his Majesty's land forces and marines for the year 1770. With accurate and useful tables of their full pay, allowances and deductions. Also Tables of their Arrears, calculated to shew, in the most ea
Great Britain- E-books
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Papers relative to the commencement of negociations for peace with France, in August, September, and October, 1800
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His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday the twenty first day of June, 1737
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An authentic account of the debates in the House of Commons From Thursday, the 20th of January, to Tuesday, February the 3d, 1784
Great Britain- E-books
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The game law: or, a collection of the laws and statutes made for the preservation of the game of this kingdom. Drawn into a short and easy method, for the information of all gentlemen, and caution of others
Great Britain- E-books
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An Act for continuing several laws therein mentioned, relating to the præmiums upon the importation of masts, yards, and bowsprits, tar, pitch, and turpentine, to British made sail cloth, and the duties payable on foreign sail cloth; and to the allowance
Great Britain- E-books
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An act for impowering trustees during the respective minorities of the four infant sons of Thomas Hawkins, Esquire, deceased, to make leases of estates in the county of Cornwall, ..
Great Britain- E-books
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An act for rectifying and supplying several defects and omissions, in certain common Recoveries, suffered by Edward Spelman Esquire
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A concise abstract of the most important clauses in the following interesting acts of Parliament, passed in the session of 1785; By which the Public in general are more immediately affected, than by any passed in any former Session, viz. Insurance, Game
Great Britain