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232 results filtered with: Sailors
  • A sailor setting the broken leg of another sailor after an accident on deck. Halftone after F. Brangwyn, 1895.
  • Sailors, one in drag, performing "The Rivals". Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • A sailor surviving in a large empty box of James Morison's pills, after being shipwrecked. Coloured lithograph.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Portsmouth: as seen from the sea. Etching by J. Woods after G.H. Sergeant.
  • A sailor on the dock, smoking. Colour process print after G.A.S., ca. 1915.
  • Four sailors performing in the play 'The Great Casimir'. Photographic postcard, 1918.
  • Sailors in drag on S.S. Caronia. Photograph, 195-.
  • A sailor with his girl friend at a sideshow. Colour process print after F. Spurgin, 191-.
  • Sailors posing in an engine room. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • Two sailors gazing lecherously at each other. Photograph, 192-.
  • Soapine : home soap  / Kendall Manufacturing Company.
  • An old sailor with wooden leg relates his adventures to a family as both men smoke and drink. Reproduction of an etching by G. Cruikshank, 1818, after J. Sheringham.
  • Boys dressed as sailors in a line, varying in height. Colour process print, 191-.
  • Seamens' Orphan Institution, Liverpool, Merseyside. Wood engraving.
  • The wounding of Lord Nelson on the deck of HMS Victory at the battle of Trafalgar. Engraving by R. Golding, 1809, after B. West.
  • Hospital ships, China: sketches showing the interior including the surgery room, with printed text. Wood engraving, 1860.
  • Crimean War, England: landing the wounded at Portsmouth. Wood engraving.
  • Eleven sailors performing in a play on the Ark Royal. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • Sailors, some in drag, stand on stage performing a scene. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • Sailors, some in drag, pose as three couples on the deck of a ship. Photographic postcard, 192-.
  • The wounding of Lord Nelson on the deck of HMS Victory at the battle of Trafalgar. Process print.
  • Seamen Orphan Institution, Liverpool, Merseyside: Lord Derby laying the first stone. Wood engraving.
  • Sailors, some in drag, stand on stage performing a scene. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • Sailors, some in drag, performing a scene on stage. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • The death of Lord Nelson aboard HMS Victory at the battle of Trafalgar. Coloured engraving by J. Heath, 1811, after B. West.
  • World War I: wounded sailors listening to musicians playing on board ship. Oil painting by Oswald Moser, ca. 1918.
  • Two sailors, one in drag, sit on stage at a table, in front of very detailed scenery. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • A British sailor in Zhoushan, China, is charged with entering a house and delivering a love-letter from another sailor to one of the women in the house: they react with consternation. Etching after Robert Cruikshank, 1843.
  • A sailor with a bandaged eye consulting a mercenary medical practitioner. Coloured etching by I. Cruikshank, 1807?, after G.M. Woodward.
  • Three men (sailors?) sit at a table smoking pipes and drinking. Lithograph, early 19th century.