Rosselli, Giovanne de. Epulario
- Books
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Epulario, il quale tratta del modo di cucinare ogni carne, uccelli, e pesci d'ogni sorte ... di nuouo ristampato. Con aggionta di molte altre cose bellissime / [Anon].
Rosselli, Giovanne deDate: [between 1700 and 1799]- Books
- Online
Epulario, or The Italian banquet : wherein is shewed the maner how to dresse and prepare all kind of flesh, foules or fishes. As also how to make sauces, tartes, pies, &c. After the maner of all countries. With an addition of many other profitable and necessary things. Translated out of Italian into English.
Rosselli, Giovanne deDate: 1598